Workshop aboard USS SLATER.
The workshop, located on the main deck, amidships, contained equipment that enabled the crew to make repairs necessary to keep the ship functioning. It was important to all ships that they have the expertise and equipment to make emergency repairs at sea. This shop contained a work bench, drill press, lathe, bench grinder and welding equipment to permit emergency fabrication and repair of parts. Within this space the electricians, shipfitters and machinery repairmen kept all the equipment on the ship functioning.
Following is typical equipment used aboard destroyer escorts:
Lathe, Engine, South Bend, 13” capacity, 28” center to center, floor mounted; Motor Data: Westinghouse, 1.5hp, 440 volts, 3 phase, 60 cycles, 1730rpm.
Drill, Sensitive, LeLand Gifford, upright, floor mounted, 16” capacity, size 2, electric motor drive.
Super Dave utilizing the workshop.
Workshop aboard SLATER, 1944.
Workshop before restoration.