The laundry aboard a destroyer escort was located aft of the berthing compartments just forward of after steering. Prior to the 1930’s, destroyer type vessels had no laundry facilities and sailors traditionally washed their clothes in a bucket. The inclusion of laundry facilities in wartime vessels, such as destroyer escorts, was a major improvement in living conditions. The laundry was operated by the Supply Division by laundrymen who washed the crew’s clothes by division. Each division was assigned a specific day for having their laundry done. Uniforms were done in mass and returned to the compartment in a pile, then sorted according to the stencils on each uniform. Thus, personal stenciling was a very important part of laundering if a sailor wanted to get his uniform back. Equipment in a laundry consisted of a washing machine, an extractor to remove excess moisture, a dryer and a laundry press.
Laundry aboard USS DURIK DE-666
Laundry before restoration.
Laundry after restoration.
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