Slater’s WWII Crew List
SLATER Officers - Pearl Harbor - August 1945. Photo by Clifton Woltz
Blancq, M. J., Commanding Officer - Lieut. Comdr., USNR -
Poulsen, H. N., Executive Officer - Lieut., USNR
Wagner, C. P., Gunnery Officer - Lieut., USNR
Johnson, R. F., Engineering Officer - Lieut., USNR
Butler, D. P., Communications Officer - Lieut., USNR
Plummer, J. F., 1st Lieutenant - Lieut., USNR - with Woltz & Murphy
Woltz, Clifton. W., Assistant Engineer Officer - Lieut., USNR - Woltz 2 - with Lt. Clark, Murphy, & Plummer
Healey, L. P., Assistant Gunnery Officer - Lieut. (jg), USNR
Clunie, C. R., ASW Officer - Lieut. (jg), USNR
Agnew, J. P., Supply Officer - Lieut. (jg), USNR - Small Group
Blinka, J., Assistant Communications Officer - Ensign, USNR - Small Group
Kunst, L. J., Combat Officer - Ensign, USNR
Benson, D. W., Assistant 1st Lieutenant - Ensign, USNR - with Bucket - Small Group
Watt, Arthur B., Medical Officer - Lt. (jg), MC, USNR
Piper, T. J.
Vent, C. F.
Groups / Divisions
Officers at Pearl Harbor - 1-6 August 1945
Enlisted at Pearl Harbor - 1-6 August 1945
Supply Section - Summer Whites
Communications and Medical - summer whites
Assorted Group - Yeomans, Bos'n Mates, Seamen, Radarmen, Corpsmen, Ship's Dog
Lt(jg) Healey and Crew at Quarterdeck
Small Group 1; Argintar, Scarbough, Holzman, and Whitt
Small Group 2; 8 unidentified
Small Group 3; Beck, Peterson, Blinka, 7 unidentified
Small Group 4; Beck, Benson, Agnew, Sullivan, 3 unidentified
Small Group 5; 8 unidentified
Small Group 6; Barker, Elkins, 6 unidentified (Coxswains?)
Small Group 7; MoMMs - Groleau, Rosenstock, Beck, Hughes, Elze, 4 unidentified
Small Group 8; Beck, Peterson, Smolin, 5 unidentified
Small Group 9; Reed, Smolin, Ralphs, and Beck
Small Group 10; Guitar Party, Byrd, 5 unidentified
Small Group 11; Leis?(Lewis?), Whitt, Argintar, Holzman, 2 unidentified
Small Group 12; Martinson, Stone, Jones, 3 unidentified
Small Group 13; Booz, Straus, Lewis, Dail, Giovanni, and Rivoire.
Unidentified Crew Members
If you can identify any of these men, please contact the museum as let us know!
Rate Explanation
Lieut. Comdr. - Lieutenant Commander (Equivalent to Army Major)
Lieut. - Lieutenant (Equivalent to Army Captain)
Lieut (jg) - Lieutenant Junior Grade (Equivalent to Army 1st Lieutenant)
Ensign - Ensign (Equivalent to Army 2nd Lieutenant)
Bkr2c - Baker 2nd Class - Operates Ovens
BM1c - Boatswain’s (Bosun) Mate 1st Class - Work with canvas and hoisting with block and tackle. Handle rope, wire, and anchor chain.
BM2c - Boatswain’s (Bosun) Mate 2nd Class - Work with canvas and hoisting with block and tackle. Handle rope, wire, and anchor chain.
CBM - Chief Boatswain’s Mate
CEM - Chief Electrician’s Mate
CGM - Chief Gunner’s Mate
CM1c - Carpenter’s Mate 1st Class - Use hand and power tools. Take charge of ship ventilation, painting, watertight control, drainage.
CMoMM - Chief Motor Machinist’s Mate
Cox. - Coxswain - Work with canvas and handle boats. Know signaling.
CPhM - Chief Pharmacist’s Mate
CRM - Chief Radioman
CY - Chief Yeoman
EM1c - Electrician’s Mate 1st Class - Use electrical tools and repair electrical equipment. Charge storage batteries. Wind armatures. Stand watch on main gyrocompass and in main control room of electrically driven ships. Repair telephone circuits. Apply first aid in case of electrical shock.
EM2c - Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class - Use electrical tools and repair electrical equipment. Charge storage batteries. Wind armatures. Stand watch on main gyrocompass and in main control room of electrically driven ships. Repair telephone circuits. Apply first aid in case of electrical shock.
EM3c - Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class - Use electrical tools and repair electrical equipment. Charge storage batteries. Wind armatures. Stand watch on main gyrocompass and in main control room of electrically driven ships. Repair telephone circuits. Apply first aid in case of electrical shock.
F1c - Fireman 1st Class - Fire and tend boilers. Operate, adjust, and repair pumps.
F2c - Fireman 2nd Class - Fire and tend boilers. Operate, adjust, and repair pumps.
FC3c - Fireman 3rd Class - Fire and tend boilers. Operate, adjust, and repair pumps.
GM1c - Gunner’s Mate 1st Class - Take charge of gun and crew. Assemble and fire all types of guns. Handle ammunition. Handle mines and depth charges.
GM2c - Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class - Take charge of gun and crew. Assemble and fire all types of guns. Handle ammunition. Handle mines and depth charges.
GM3c - Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class - Take charge of gun and crew. Assemble and fire all types of guns. Handle ammunition. Handle mines and depth charges.
M3c - Metalsmith 3rd Class - Make plans, time and cost estimates. Work in copper and brass. Temper metals, repair damage. Test for watertightness.
MoMM1c - Motor Machinist’s Mate 1st Class - Operate machine tools. Operate and maintain internal combustion engines and engine auxiliaries. Knowledge of pressure and air systems. Be familiar with electrical apparatus.
MoMM3c - Motor Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class - Operate machine tools. Operate and maintain internal combustion engines and engine auxiliaries. Knowledge of pressure and air systems. Be familiar with electrical apparatus.
OC2c - Officer’s Cook 2nd Class - Preparing and cooking food for officers.
PhM1c - Pharmacist’s Mate 1st Class - Take charge of sick bay. Do minor surgery and administer simple medicines.
QM2c - Quartermaster 2nd Class - Steer ship and take soundings. Use range finder. Plot bearings. Know signal control and navigation. Send and receive International Code by blinker, searchlight and semaphore.
QM3c - Quartermaster 3rd Class - Steer ship and take soundings. Use range finder. Plot bearings. Know signal control and navigation. Send and receive International Code by blinker, searchlight and semaphore.
RdM1c - Radarman 1st Class - Stand radar watch and operate radar equipment.
RdM2c - Radarman 2nd Class - Stand radar watch and operate radar equipment.
RdM3c - Radarman 3rd Class - Stand radar watch and operate radar equipment.
RT1c - Radio Technician 1st Class - Maintain radio equipment.
S1c - Seaman 1st Class - Know naval drill duties, knots, steering and signaling. Stand watch and gunnery duties.
S2c - Seaman 2nd Class - Know naval drill duties, knots, steering and signaling. Stand watch and gunnery duties.
SC1c - Ship’s Cook 1st Class - Supervise and prepare cooking.
SC2c - Ship’s Cook 2nd Class - Supervise and prepare cooking.
SC3c - Ship’s Cook 3rd Class - Supervise and prepare cooking.
SF2c - Shipfitter 2nd Class - Use hand and machine tools for steel metal work. Bend, repair and fit pipes. Operate fire extinguishers and rescue breathing apparatus.
SKD2c - Storekeeper 2nd Class - Take charge of ship's storeroom. Issue and account for stock and clothing.
SM1c - Signalman 1st Class - Stand signal watch on bridge. Identify flags. Use blinker, searchlight and semaphore. Use range finder, searchlights, signal apparatus.
SM3c - Signalman 3rd Class - Stand signal watch on bridge. Identify flags. Use blinker, searchlight and semaphore. Use range finder, searchlights, signal apparatus.
SoM3c - Sonarman 3rd Class - Operate special sound equipment.
STM1c - Steward’s Mate 1st Class - Serve at table in officers' mess.
STm2c - Steward’s Mate 2nd Class - Serve at table in officers' mess.
Y1c - Yeoman 1st Class - Take charge of ship's office. Take dictation, write Navy letters. Prepare reports and keep personnel records.
Y2c - Yeoman 2nd Class - Take charge of ship's office. Take dictation, write Navy letters. Prepare reports and keep personnel records.
Y3c - Yeoman 3rd Class - Take charge of ship's office. Take dictation, write Navy letters. Prepare reports and keep personnel records.
Enlisted Men - Pearl Harbor - Aug. 1945 Photo by C. Woltz.
Enlisted Men
Albrecht, H. G. - MoMM3c
Albritton, J.P. - EM3c
Anderson, E. C. - BM2c - 40 MM Gun Crew
Argintar, S. - Y1c - Small Group 1 - Small Group 11
Artlip, C.
Aronoff, L. S. - F1c
Ashley, R. L. - RdM2c
Ashworth, M. H. - EM3c
Ault, K.
Atkinson, J. - CGM
Blair, C. H. - F1c
Balkon, C. B. - F1c (EM)
Balthrop, B. R. - F1c(MoMM)
Barker, J. D. - Cox. - Small Group 6
Beach, J. E. - Cox.
Beck, Joseph V. - EM3c (F2c) - Small Group 3 - Small Group 4 - Small Group 7 - Small Group 8 - Small Group 9
Beddoe, A. S. - S1c(RM)
Bibb, R. B. - BM2c
Bishop, J. H. - F1c(EM)
Blackwood, J. C. - EM3c
Bloodworth, L. R. - GM3c
Boone, L. M. - RM3c
Booz, T. S. - S1c - Small Group 13
Bowes, T. P. - MoMM2c
Brasch, J. W.
Brewer, C. H. - S1c
Brown, E. C. - S1c
Bryant, R.
Buckner, H. B. - SC3c
Burke, J. J. - QM3c - 40MM Gun Crew
Burton, D. M. - F1c
Butler, C.M. - S1c
Butta, H. L. - GM3c
Byrd, T. J. - S1c
Byron, J. D. - F1c (MoMM)
Brooks, R. H. - EM3c
Burroughs, H. E. - MoMM3c
Cantrell, Grandy E. - S1c - 40MM Gun Crew
Carey, J. L. - S1c
Carlson, D. B.
Carroll, E. W. - GM2c
Carter, R. W. - S1c
Carver, A. B.
Cash, M. E. - MoMM3c
Chiston, M. H. - RdM3c
Christy, F. A. - S2c
Clark, G.W. Jr. - S1c
Cloninger, C. A. - FC3c
Cobble, C. H. - QM2c
Colbert, L.T. - Cox.
Coleman, G. W. Jr. - S1c
Colley, S. D.
Collins, L. W. - F1c
Collinsworth, M.
Colson, G. - S1c
Combs, W. P. - F1c
Conner, J. T. - S1c
Corbett, J.
Cosart, D.
Cosby, B. E. - CBM (AA)
Cotsonas, C. - F1c (MoMM)
Croll, J. L.
Cusati, A. Jr. - F2c
Dail, H. V. Jr. - S1c - 40MM Gun Crew - Small Group 13
Danials, T. H. - S1c
Dankulich, G. - S1c (SC)
D’Arminio, P. - RdM3c
David, D.
Davie, J. T. - RT1c
Davis, R. J.
Debeer, V. R.
De Julius, S. J. - S2c
De Tullio, L. - S2c - 40MM Gun Crew
Dietz, J. H.
Dewberry, W. T. - S1c
Di Giovanni, F. R. - SF2c
Dilberger, H. J. - S2c
Di Stazio, V. O. - Cox.
Dodson, W. P. - Cox.
Doll, W. A. - S2c
Dorrance, H. L. - S1c
Doyle, J. J. - RdM2c
Drummond, D. H. - S1c (QM)
Duprey, H. J. - RdM2c
Engler, R. F. - S2c
Elkins, A. C. - BM1c - Small Group 6
Elze, E. G. - F1c (EM) - Small Group 7
Fagan, M. J. - QM2c
Fareri, Theodore R. - S1c
Figueredo, G. F.
Flynn, H. E. - MoMM1c
Folds, Clinton - S2c - Log, May 44
Foringer, R. K.
Fortson, E. D. - GM3c
Gallant, W. A. - S2c
Garland, J. W.
Gibbs, A. M. - S2c (GM)
Giovanni - Small Group 13
Gleba, J. - EM3c
Glogiewicz, W. - EM3c
Goad, C. W. - S1c
Goebel, C. J. Jr. - F1c (EM)
Green, G. K. - S1c
Grindle, G. C. - S2c
Groleau, C. E. - MoMM3c - Small Group 7
Gruber, L.
Hall, M. L. - S1c
Hamilton, M. M. - F1c
Hammond, C. M. - M3c
Hardin, F. M. - MoMM3c
Hargrove, B. E. - S1c
Harned, R. F. - S1c
Harper, H. E. - S2c
Harris, D. D. - EM1c
Harwood, G. - GM3c
Hatfield, J. D. - SSML3c (T)
Havens, E. J. - S1c (FR)
Herman, J. O. (J.C.) - EM1c (EM3c)
Hilliard, Robert - 40MM Gun Crew
Hobbs, J. H. - CRM (AA)
Hoffman, R. L. - SM3c
Holcombe, H. C. - MoMM2c
Holladay, J. R. - S2c
Holzman, R. J. - Y3c - Small Group 1, Small Group 11
Horton, C. O. - F1c
Howard, D. W. - F1c (MoMM)
Huether, W. F. - Cox.
Huey, R. C. - RdM2c
Hughes, R. T. - RdM3c
Hughes, T. S. - MoMM3c - Small Group 7
Hurley, A. J. - F1c
Janowski, W. S. - S1c - Small Group 14
Jeter, J. L. Jr. - S2c
Johnson, A. T. - SC2c
Johnson, Elwin M. “Marty” - MoMM2c - On deck
Jones, O. E. - SM3c - Small Group 12
Jones, W. T. - StM3c
Jordan, C. F. - MoMM2c
Justus, D. C.
Kalinski, E. J. - BM2c
Kalmbach, C. J. - S1c
Kane, B. J. - SoM3c
Keller, G. R. - Cox.
Kelly, J. T. - S1c
Kendall, H. W. - F1c
Kent, H. D.
Knauss, Gaylord - TM3c
Kravitz, J. - SKD2c
Krough, P. A. - F1c (EM)
Kurucz, A. V. - Em2c
Laber, E. D. - F1c (EM)
Lait, H. H.
Lambert, Joseph E.
Lavin, Charles E. - MoMM3c - Injured in Fire
Lee, H. F. Sr. - GM3c
Lee, O. - StM1c
Leis, R. E.
Lewis, C. H. - S1c - Small Group 13
Ley, A. J. - S1c (SM)
Louis, A. Jr. - Cox.
Lovelace, W. T. - MoMM3c
Louder, S. J. - S1c
Lyons, R.
Macina, L. - S1c
Malec, J. T. - CMoMM
Malkowski, R. J. - GM2c
Mansfield, J. P. Jr. - SM3c
Martin, F. E. - SC1c
Martinson, R. E. - Sm2c - Small Group 12
Matula, D. M. F. - S1c
Melton, R. C. - MoMM2c
Middaugh, R. E. - F2c
Miller, K. S. - CPhM (AA)
Miller, N. G. - S1c (RM)
Montgomery, R. D. - SoM3c
Mowery, J. C. - GM3c
Morgan, J. P. - Rd1c
Morical, C. R.
Moyer, W. W.
Murphy, J. B. - S1c (FC)
McClarin, D. R. - S1c - 40MM Gun Crew
McEldowney, F. J. - RdM3c
McLeod, C. E. - S1c
Nadelman, H. - PhM3c
Nelesky, E. L. - F1c (EM)
Nelson, A. F. - S1c (FC)
Nixon, G. J. - S1c
O’Neill, T. P. - S1c
Olson, W. B. - S2c (TM)
Onorato, W. J.
Pepin, A. A. - S2c
Perasso, H. A. - S2c (FC)
Percy, E. - S1c - 40MM Gun Crew
Perigord, R. H. - S1c
Perkins, B. O. - S1c
Perkins, H. W. - CEM
Perreault, G. J. Jr. - S2c
Peski, N.
Peters, F. W. - S1c
Peterson, L. A. - RM2c - Radio/Typewriter - Small Group 3 - Small Group 8
Pettite, J. F.
Phelan, J. F. - RdM3c
Piccolo, L A. - S2c
Pierce, R. A. - RM3c
Pierro, J. W. - S1c
Prairie, W. G. - CMoMM (AA)
Puck, A. A. - QM3c
Ralphs, D. D. - SoM3c - Small Group 9
Ratterree, L. T. Jr. - FC2c - 40MM Gun Crew
Reed, M. L. Jr. - SoM2c - Small Group 9
Reid, C. L. - StM2c
Reynolds, J.
Rivoire, A. Jr. - CM1c - Small Group 13
Robertson, D. H. - Bkr2c
Rogers, R. R. - MoMM3c
Rosenstock, L. - MoMM1c - Small Group 7
Rosso, L. Jr. - EM3c
Ruffner, Harry L., F2c
Russell, Ceylon, E. - MoMM1c
Sargent, J. C. - S1c
Scarbrough, J. F. Jr. - CY - Small Group 1
Scott, M. C. - F1c
Shipman, Lowell “S” - CMoMM (AA) - Also listed as ‘Shiman’?
Shytle, J. O. - S1c (M)
Simpson, G. G. - Oc2c
Simpson, E. W. - Em2c
Sims, J. B. - S2c
Slater, Elam A. - GM3c - 40MM Gun Crew
Slater F. - EM3c
Smolen, J. T. - RM2c - Small Group 8 - Small Group 9
Snyder, C. H. - MoMM2c
Spellacy, G. T. - MoMM3c
Spellman, R. G.
Spink, G. W. - RdM3c
Sterner, R. F. - RdMc
Stevens, E. W. - SoM3c
Stewart, W. D. Jr. - S1c - 40MM Gun Crew
Stockstiel, C. B. - RT3c
Stone, R. L. - SM2c - Small Group 12
Milton Michael Strauss - Small Group 13
Sullivan, E. F. - RM3c - At Otaru - Small Group 4
Svihovec, W.
Terrell, Eugene, E. - S2c
Thompson, L. A. - S1c (GM)
Tifft, D. W. - S1c
Truntz, W. H. Jr. - GM3c
Tumlin, J. H. - S1c
Turner, W. E.
Vonder Haar, V. H.
Ward, H. S. - QM3c
Warren, J. W. Jr. - GM2c
Weidman, L. J. - S2c
Werley, Willard L. - F1c - Injured in Fire
Whitt, V. A. - Y2c - Small Group 1 - Small Group 11
Wiles, G. L. - S1c
Wilkes, W. J. - SK1c
Williams, A. A. - SC1c
Willis, L. A. - S2c (SoM)
Wood, E. H. - S3c
Wood, Stanley R. - S1c
Wood, H. L. - F1c (MoMM)
Woods, J. - F1c (MoMM)
Worden, J. A. - S2c
Wszolek, J. J. Jr. - S2c
Yesse, E. Jr. - SoM3c
Zang, F. J. - F1c