Navigating BRidge
The navigating bridge, or 02 level, starts forward with a 20mm machine gun mount. Originally the SLATER had two single mount 20s here which was reduced to one when they were upgraded to twin mounts. Following the gun deck is the pilot house, wheel house or steering station. This station includes portholes, the ship's wheel, repeating and magnetic compasses, chart table and sextant cabinet.
Aft of the pilot house is the combat information center (CIC) which contained the plotting table and radar control units. The chart room was in the aft starboard corner. All stations had red lights for concealment and preservation of night vision for night operations. Outside on each side are 12" signal lights and 24" searchlights. To the rear are flag bags which contained signal flags and the halyards for raising them. This area of lights and flags is known as the signal bridge.
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