Day 4


9 July 2020


We were very grateful, (so were our visitors) to the yard for letting us use there washer and dryer. Fresh clothes were much needed.

At this point the yardarm has come down, and the scaffolding is all the way up the mast.

Air search radar came down (the only SA antenna in the world that we know of. It came off USS GAGE (APA-168), and tracked kamikazes at Okinawa. Motor will be reworked, new bearings installed, and wasted parts of the antenna replaced.

Started erecting the scaffold around the stack. Wasted metal in the cap will be replaced. Ed celebrated his 77th birthday by climbing to the top of the stack to make a video “Inspection” that he posted to his Facebook page.

Gary removed lights from yardarm for restoration.

SLATER at Pier G at Caddell’s Shipyard. Photo by Alan Beneroff.