Day 29
30 July 2020
Work continued on priming the mast, continued on the stack cap replacement, and the the wave guide installation was completed. Preparations are being made to sand sweep the hull, and Gary Sheedy got the water heater back on line.
The biggest event for Ed and Barry was the installation of the battle gaff at the foretruck. The biggest American flag flies from that when ships are in battle conditions. The two halyards are in place. Brendan has our eyes and legs here. Knows the mast thoroughly. Climbs an average of six times a day, and a couple of times in the evening.
Cook, Blair Sandri sorted out the sockets. The crew restored the air search antenna and returned to mast. The bullhorn was mounted to the mast, reassembly of the lower recognition lights started, and the curtains were hung before we sandblast.
The stack cap replacement is complete, as is the 3” band on top. One antenna bracket is welded on, one to go. All 7 diesel exhaust covers are installed.
The yard workers removed all 100 of our anodes and the studs covered with plastic, in preparation for sand blasting and painting. All the brackets from the mast are drying. To be bolted on the mast with the electrical cables and lights on Monday
Back in Albany, the crew completed all work on gangways and sea wall attachments. They flipped the aluminum gangway, cut the grass.
Doug Tanner, Earl Herchenroder, Danny Statile, and Dave Mardon also worked, putting a new cover on our transformer box cover in Albany.
The ship from the mast aft. Photo by Thomas Scian.
Coffee break for the crew in Albany.
Cover the screws for sand blasting
Blair sorts the sockets
Installing the waveguide
Inspecting the anodes
Inside the stack
The stack cap replacement is complete, as is the 3” band on top. One antenna bracket is welded on, one to go.
Curtains going up
Installing the recognition lights
Ready to hoist the bull horn
Earl keeps the grass cut
Chuck continuing to paint.