Day 33
3 August 2020
An excellent shot of SLATER in drydock by Brian Culmone.
Sandblasting has begun
Two blasters worked, one port, one starboard. A nice easy sweep blast. Let's not blow any holes in the bottom. They were about 50% at the end of the day
The crew attached cable supports to the mast, applied the top coat the yardarm, began the fabrication of a ladder to access the inside of the stack cap, and life raft number 1 is lowered to the main deck so we can replace the straps, that Ang made over a year ago.
The sand blasters and painters from Union Maintenance Corp prepare to climb into the void under the steering gear compartment. The space experienced severe corrosion and is in need of preservation. These are the guys who make it happen. Always something to do on a rainy day, but at least it was cooler.
Thomas spent his 25th birthday painting out the decks in the CPO Mess, forward berthing and the mess deck.
Later in the week we wrapped up sandblasting and started electrical installation on the mast. aircraft warning lights, breakdown lights, and sidelights. Our cook had liberty so George Amandola stepped in.
Doug's team in Albany completed transformer cover except for hinges on lid open post and put a coat of primer on it. They installed replacement window in gift shop exit door west side of the trailer. They also put top coat of paint on the sea wall access platform for forward gangway and painted the first bollard. They also adjusted handicap ramp because a tree is growing into ramp.
Started restoration in the hold below after steering
it takes a team
George takes over for Blair in the galley
Thomas spent his 25th birthday painting
Bringing the life raft to the deck
Top coat for the yardarm
Danny trying to straighten the deck ramp