Day 44
14 August 2020
Painting continues.
This is getting to be a long month, work continued on painting the boot top until the rain came, the anode attachment continued, and electricians completed wiring on the mast.
We also completed the yardarm attachment and the waveguide assembly, Jack attached the yard braces.
The next day the scaffold came down and the restored mast was revealed in all its glory, our departure date got pushed back another week, so we decided to restore the flag bags since we were here.
We rigged the yardarm lift cables, straightened the TBS antennas, and tied in the vertical longwire antennas. This means the yard work on the mast is now complete, and the painting of the stack continues.
In Albany, Doug got all the 3/4” line spliced for new safety nets, the crew cut down a dead tree, hauled all the wood away, and hung the new safety nets from the sea wall and secured them until the ship returns.
Wiring the mast
Taking the flag bags ashore for restoration
The scaffolding goes ashore.
Wiring continues on the mast
Painting the stack
New lady, with a restored mast.
Installing the new anodes
Painting the boot
Doug's splicing!
Bye Bye Tree
Bill and Gary hauling twigs.